Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hello World!

Hello dear visitor, my name is Jonathan, and i live in Portland, OR. I started this blog because I have a grand plan: to write a song a week for the next year and put them all up here for my friends and family to check out.

I've been playing music for most of my life, and I've always wanted to be a great songwriter. I have a great band named Miraflores here in town, and I do a lot of writing for that. But i don't find myself really pushing all that much. If I have a good idea, I'll take it to the boys and we'll bang it out, but we do a lot more arranging than songcrafting. So to force myself to be creative, I'm gonna commit to writing and recording one finished song a week. Brace yourself, there's gonna be a lot of stinkers! But to get to the good stuff, I guess I gotta get all that out of the way. So here goes.
Thanks for visiting and please let me know what you think. If you have any good ideas about what to write a song about, please let me know, as I'll be needing plenty of inspiration.
Here's a song from my band's last album.


Tyler said...

The guitarist is pretty good.

Unknown said...

Hey guy - what a great challenge. Carl is concerned about your upcoming marriage affecting you ability to write a seriously tortured love song. We suggest looking into lyrics about dogs and cats, drinking games, and stories about the neighbors for inspiration. "Cruising down the highway" is also a great intro. We'll check back soon. You are our favorite rockstar! the hilltrines